OpenPlant Modeler Help

To Apply Different Colors for Different Weld Types

The procedure below details how to apply different colors for different Weld Types.
  1. Locate the OPModeler.dgnlib file for the WorkSet you plan to apply different colors for different Weld Types. For this example we will use the default OpenPlantImperial WorkSet located in the following location

    C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenPlant CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\OpenPlantExample\WorkSets\Imperial\Standards\OpenPlant\Modeler\Dgnlibs

  2. Double click the file to open.
  3. Open Element Templates dialog.
  4. Add a New Template Group under Weld folder.
    For example,
  5. Rename the folder with Weld Type name.
    For example,
  6. Copy the Model from Default folder and change the Color from General Settings.
    For example,
  7. Close the Element Templates dialog.
  8. Open Named expression dialog.
  9. In OP_SYMBOLOGY_WELD add expression for Weld Types.
    For example,
    IIF( OPITEM.TYPE = "FIELD", "Field\:", "Default\:" )& "Model"
    Note: You can add multiple expressions for different Weld Type.
  10. Save the changes and close the Named expression dialog.
  11. Launch OpenPlant Modeler in the OpenPlantImperial WorkSet.
  12. Create Associations & Route a Pipeline to create a couple of fittings with weld joints.
  13. Select a Weld, right-click modify and change Weld Type.
    Modified Weld type appears in color selected in Step 6. For example,